Choose Your Chef at Mercure


Mercure Hyderabad is hosting a culinary gala with a twist. Instead of picking your favourite dishes, you get to pick your Chef. Each Chef has lined up his favourite dishes from his area of expertise. Chef Ganapathi is a pro at Western cuisine, Chef Maniruddin is a master of Hyderabadi fare, Chef Sahoo is adept at North Indian, Chef Satyanarayana specialises in South Indian, and Chef Vikram is proficient in Pan Asian. Once you select your Chef, he’ll serve you a four-course meal featuring starters, soups, mains, and desserts.

I was invited to a blogger’s table where each Chef offered a sampling of his favourite dishes. The appetisers featured dishes such as Crumb fried Idli from the South Indian menu, Badami Tangdi from Hyderabadi, Murgh Hariyali Tikka from North Indian, and Beet Cured Squid and Prawn Ceviche from Continental. For the soups, I picked the aromatic and refreshing Basil Pesto and Courgette by Chef Ganapathi. The Pineapple Rasam by Chef Satyanarayana was also a popular choice around the table.

The Curried Coconut and Cilantro Risotto from the vegetarian menu by Chef Ganapathi was a rare disappointment. The texture and the flavours of the Risotto didn’t quite click. The Slow Roasted Chicken Leg with Broccoli and Carrot, on the other hand, was exquisite. Some of the other options in the mains were Matki Murgh, Murgh Gulnaz, and Subz ka Mela. For the blogger’s table, all the dessert options were plated and presented together as a gorgeous and decadent platter. On offer were Poached Pear with Sweet Mascarpone, Putharekhulu, Ananas ka Muzaffar, and Badam Gulkhand Jamun.

The ‘Choose your Chef’ promotion will continue till 3rd April at 7.30 pm onwards at Cayenne Restaurant, Mercure Hyderabad KCP. Chef Ganapathi’s menu is priced at Rs. 1500 (all-inclusive), while the others are priced at Rs. 1200 (all-inclusive).


Continental, European, Five Star, Mercure, North Indian, South Indian

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